Friday, January 15, 2010

Yellow Swarm With Ephedra How Much Weight Can You Loose With Ephedra?

How much weight can you loose with ephedra? - yellow swarm with ephedra

Hello everyone, I've always heard that you can lose a little weight with ephedrine, if we turn to the right. I have a friend who bought yellow swarm of 25 mg of ephedrine. purchased before the ban, and it will give me, and I just went right, and if I sports at the gym, every day I could lose weight? Maybe someone could use the ephedra is give me some help?


Explorer said...

I lost 20 pounds with a spa, such as the trim in 6 weeks
Maybe try

♥ said...

Ephedra is terrible for you. It can kill and can be very dangerous for the heart.

>>>=<<< said...

You lose up to u, if u want for a good cause. The move is also illegal, but a good step forward.

>>>=<<< said...

You lose up to u, if u want for a good cause. The move is also illegal, but a good step forward.

arikashi... said...

as much as you want

T9X said...

You lose weight all you want, just work on it.
A tip: FDA's throw from the market for a reason. WARNING!
We can even with another banned substance, as they say Phen Phen?

Bonathon M said...

I think, to attack the weight of your heart, if you. What is limited for a reason. Please find another way to lose weight.

MissKitt... said...

They are the risk of injury to the heart muscle and / or death and organ damage potential weight loss. Honey is better than that! I felt sick at the thought that I would!

Ephedra has led to serious health problems like hypertension, stroke, heart attack, seizures that are linked to cardiac arrhythmias, and more than 100 deaths.

February 17, 2003 death of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler has focused his attention on the dangers of ephedra. Bechler, 23, died of heatstroke after a spring training practice. He had an ephedra product, which later medical and toxicology tests confirmed made a contribution to the death of pitcher.

Other studies show that the risks associated with ephedrine-related applications far outweigh the benefits of secondary importance.

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