Can a person forward mail sent to them that has in it This Email contains PRIVEGEDED AND CONFIDENTIAL? - confidential email clause
Are there legal consequences?
Can a person forward mail sent to them that has in it This Email contains PRIVEGEDED AND CONFIDENTIAL? - confidential email clause
Are there legal consequences?
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It depends on whether the information is privileged and confidential information (for example) medical data, or if it is not straight, and someone said it was confidential. I send something to my sister and tell her that confidential, but when she told my brother, no legal consequences. She did not give a written undertaking not to tell.
It depends on whether the information is privileged and confidential information (for example) medical data, or if it is not straight, and someone said it was confidential. I send something to my sister and tell her that confidential, but when she told my brother, no legal consequences. She did not give a written undertaking not to tell.
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